If Product Design Is Not Figma, Then What Is It?

This article was written to help product designers better explain to non-designers the value of design. Junior designers or people who aspire to become a UXer should also be able to gain a deeper understanding of design through this article.


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Will It Fly?

A thought experiment for evaluating the potential of your product ideas

This is part of the series on how design can help you build better product.

Thought Experiment

At the end of the previous article Say No to Dogmatism in UX Design, there’s a list of questions for you to examine your product ideas.

  • Is there a user pain or problem here?
  • Is the pain painful enough?
  • Is there an existing solution?
  • Is the existing solution good enough?
  • Is this the right problem to solve?

By answering the questions above, you’ll be able to have a more realistic estimate of the potential of your ideas.

Let’s take a look at a few other examples that include some of the products that we’re all pretty familiar with and analyze their success or failure using the list of questions that we just saw.

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